Russian Insiders, Lorry Drivers, Hamster Coin Trader.
Black Rose, Coal Withers, The Files Are In The Computer.
Strategic Reverberations, Cave Hand Prints, Braying Asses.
Blizzcels, Social Media as Alcohol, Orbital Bombardment
Imperial System, Exponential Age, Ancient Sword of the Meth King.
WIki Bans, Confused Time Travelers, Abortion Reversal Ads.
Tucker Lies, Charter Schools, Southern Flying Dragon.
MooLoo, Dumbass Exchange, Racist Emojis.
Spicy Bishop Love, Eco-Murders, Blade Missiles.
Payola, Poorly Devised Pollution Tests, Pot in Italy.
Glowworm Attacks, Britney Will Be Free, Seasteading...
Cougar pets, Triceratops for sale, stolen Pterosaur.